Inspection & Permits
Contact the Miles City Fire & Rescue Inspections Office to get up-to-date information and regulations on various fire related inspections and permits for the Miles City, Montana.
Contact Inspector Eddy Kanduch or Deputy Inspector Brad Davis for more information:
call 406.234.2235 or email
Contact Inspector Eddy Kanduch or Deputy Inspector Brad Davis for more information:
call 406.234.2235 or email
• Guidelines to Open Burning in the State of Montana
Click here to download this PDF document.
• Miles City Open Burning Handout
Click here to download this PDF document.
You must stop by the station at Miles City Fire & Rescue, 2800 Main Street, Miles City, Montana to complete a burn permits.
Click here to download this PDF document.
• Miles City Open Burning Handout
Click here to download this PDF document.
You must stop by the station at Miles City Fire & Rescue, 2800 Main Street, Miles City, Montana to complete a burn permits.
Insurance Services Office Ratings
The Insurance Services Office (ISO) ( is recognized nationally as a source of information about risk. Engineering personnel from the Insurance Services Office perform site visits to communities to determine how well-protected a community is from fire. Often, insurance companies use ISO ratings to determine fire insurance premiums. Ratings are based on several factors including water supply (hydrants and water mains), building construction and condition, internal and external fire protection, fire and building code endorsement, etc.
Miles City Fire & Rescue is rated 4 on a scale of 1 (best) to 10 (unprotected). We anticipate moving up to a 3 rating with the next ISO review as a result of implementing recommendations from the last ISO review. Attaining this ISO rating of 3 is a priority the department has been working on diligently.
Miles City Fire & Rescue is rated 4 on a scale of 1 (best) to 10 (unprotected). We anticipate moving up to a 3 rating with the next ISO review as a result of implementing recommendations from the last ISO review. Attaining this ISO rating of 3 is a priority the department has been working on diligently.